24 November 2016

The ACS800 Turns Classic

Written by  Halcyon Drives

news id163 abbdrivesThe ACS880 was introduced in 2014 to meet increasing market demands, eventually replacing the ACS800. However some of you still have sites heavily populated with ACS800 or perhaps you are in the process of considering the ACS800 on a current project? If you fall into either of these categories you will need to consider your options as December 2016 will see the ACS800 turn into its classic phase.

What does this mean to you?

You will no longer be able to purchase the product, spares will have long lead times and the repair of existing drives may become time consuming and costly.

drive cycle

We would encourage you to use the ACS880 but we understand the importance for some to keep existing drives, in this case do you need to carry spare ACS800’s on your site? If so last orders for the ACS800 singledrive 01/-02/-04/-07/ and multidrive & multidrive modules are as follows:

  • Last call 23.12.2016 to all orders for ACS800-01/-02/-04/-07, deliveries latest 31.03.2017
  • Last call 23.12.2016 to all orders for ACS800-x04/-x07, deliveries latest 30.06.2017

We will still repair and maintain existing ACS800’s on site, this does not affect existing warranties or service contracts.

For those of you interested in the ACS880 but are unaware of the product, please download the brochure here


If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact Halcyon Drives on 0113 236 1509 or your Account Manager.